Sunday, September 12, 2010


     In the course of its operation, ILECO-1 has established three area offices at Miag-ao, oton and St. Barbara with four service centers located in Guimbal, Leganes, Cabatuan and San Miguel. the area offices have decentralized operation to provide for the needs of the ever increasing membership.

     A Class A+ electronic cooperative, ILECO-1 has perfectedthe NEA Categorization for six consecutive years. finally, in the 2004 NEAwee celeberation, it was elevated to the hall of fame for being most Outstanding electric cooperative in the Philippines for three consecutive tears. other awards receive were that year were Exemplary Payor,  Best in collection performance and special Citation for pioneering efforts and extraordinary service in the compact of Cooperation.

    GM Wilfred L. Billena on the other hand, was elevated to the Hall of Fame last year for getting the Most Outstanding General Manager Award for the three consecutive years.

     The ELECO-1has established the most successful Sister Cooperative Program with Kandidiyohi Power Cooperative in Willamar.Minnesota U.S.A. The programs benefited the co-op in terms of exchange of technology and other assistance programs. Total electrification and delivery of quality, reliable and safe electric power is one of the missions of ILECO-1.

ILECO-1 sponsor PhilHealth Cards

     Just recently, the Coop has enrolled 1,020 indigent families (68 households per town) under the Philippines Health Insurance Corporation of the Philippines (philhealth) Private Sponsored Program within the coverage area which consist of 15 municipalities.

     The Philippines Health Insurance Corporation of the Philippines (Philhealth) and the local government in the  franchise area joined this program together with the coop as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). the Coop will pay the premium of these households. As to the selection of the qualified enrollees, the Cooptapped the Department of Social and Welfare Development (DSWD) to choose the indigent beneficiaries.
     By this project the Coop wants to let the members feel that it care most especially for less fortunate. By paying the premium of the qualified households their burdens are eased in time the member of these families will be hospitalized. We're merely putting into action our mission  'be responsive to the community we serve.